The Rhythm
There is a rhythm of life that I have come to love and embrace. It is,
- Holistic: exerting body, mind, and soul on a journey of adventure and inspiration.
- Ascendant: an upward moving spiral into the natural rhythms of life.
- Cyclical: returning, retreating, and renewing in wild spaces.
If God allows, I will step onto the Colorado Trail, and into the Rocky Mountains in 14 days.
Heart, mind, and body have been preparing for this moment. With each training hike, more mileage and pack weight are added in anticipation of a 500-mile sojourn. Each step into the Missouri deciduous forests, brings surrender. Stress and anxiety from detailed preparations are slowly slipping away. The simple joy of walking is returning; putting one foot in front of the other, immersing my entirety into wild spaces and, listening to the Spirit’s voice.
A Transformation
Each and every year as I prepare to backpack, I’ve noticed a transition:
- Distractions dissipate: There is less interest in the things I have no control over like the news.
- Focus is narrowed: With each step, becoming attuned to the natural surroundings of native Missouri forests.
- Transcendent thinking emerges: There is less focus on time, speed and distance; greater attention given to the sounds of the birds singing, squirrels skittering, and trees blowing in the wind.
An Acoustical Chamber
One of the more noticeable things as I hike and train in our local deciduous forests, are the sounds that echo within the acoustical chamber formed by the canopy of trees surrounding the small, rocky, creek valleys. This canopy is a natural shelter for the woodland birds as they call and sing. The clarity and resonance of their voice’s compose bouncing notes of praise to their Creator. Each is living out its purpose and singing its God-given song without hesitation. Listening to the wind within the trees, my mind returns to the scripture from Isaiah proclaiming that “the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” I relish the sound of these mountains, valleys, and trees as they proclaim joy and praise!
A Trembling Voice
As I walked alone on a high ridge of this forest, I heard a different sound that stopped me in mid stride. It took a while to find it, but stepping 100 feet or so off trail I found the source. A dying oak tree was leaning into the branches of a younger, healthier tree. As the winds blew, their movement together gave a creaking and groaning sound. I’ve noted these sounds before in younger healthy trees, but likened it to the sound of two lovers in the night. This, felt dramatically different, resonating a different tone within my soul.
Like this older tree. my aging Father is in the final season of his life. Helplessly I watch as his physical body slowly surrenders its vigor over time. It is a grievous reminder of the certainty of aging. The pangs and cries of this tree proclaim this certainty for us all.
A once strong and tall frame that has weathered many storms must, in the end lean upon others for support and strength. Here, now, I stand gazing upward with wonder at this majestic oak as it slowly succumbs to its gravitational demise. Branches have fallen, decomposition has started. No doubt, some future thunderstorm will wrench this tree from its mooring and bring it to its final resting place. From ashes to ashes, dust to dust, the final surrender will come. But,
There is Hope
God, in His infinite wisdom has a plan to restore and redeem all things; the earth, trees and even our physical bodies. For those who believe in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, there IS hope! There will come a day when all things will be made new and that will bring sounds of joy and praise. What a glory that will be!
Tuning In
God is always speaking to us through the language of His creation if we will take the time to quiet ourselves and engage body mind and soul to listen to His voice. I pray that you may have opportunities to step out this day into wild spaces and connect with God. Carefully remove the barriers of distraction, declutter your mind from your electronic devices, and step into a new season of walking and talking with Him. He who has ears, let him hear.
Thank you for generously giving your time and allowing me to share the joy as I sojourn along life’s trail! Shalom
Paul Boehm says
Such inspiring words, my friend. You are a modern day John Muir. Thank you for your sweet music of praise of our glorious Creator God.
Peace be with you as you make your final preparations for the sojourn.
Perry Gabbard says
You are a kind man and friend. You know my heart and simply hope that God will be honored. Thanks for your consistent encouragement through the years. I know I won’t be alone on the trail.